
Time to break out of hibernation mode

2/24/2010 07:59:00 AM

This has to be the busiest week we've had in a while and to be honest I'm not all that thrilled about it.  I do like the fact that you can finally start to see some green underneath all of the white as the snow starts to melt, but it means that my week (or so) of hibernation is over.  It's time to go out and deal with the real world, again. 

I worked Monday (the day I'm usually in my pajamas until noon) and yesterday (which was scheduled off but we used it to make up a snow day).  I was suppose to take the twins to the doctor's today for shots...but I canceled because they haven't been feeling all that great and I didn't want to put their immune systems through anything else right now (and because I need a make up day to stay in my pajamas until noon).  We have a man coming to talk to us about a new front door - which would be AWESOME! - tonight.  Tomorrow, it's back to work again.  Friday is dinner up at my mom and dad's (maybe a little time out with friends later in the evening).  Saturday - we have nothing big planned...but Sunday, I'm making The World's Best Lasagna!  Don't ask me how many points it is...I'm making it (and eating it) anyway.  I've been pretty good this week and I'm soooo hungry for it!  It does take all day to make, though. 

Yesterday, we celebrated Clifford - the Big Red Dog's birthday at school.  Here's the picture I took of Nate for a special project we do with all the preschool kiddos.  Every other kid took their picture by Clifford's head...except my son.  My son decided that he wanted his picture with all of Clifford and that he wanted to sit next to Clifford's butt (exact words).  So, here he is - celebrating Clifford's birthday by taking a picture near his butt. 

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