Unofficially my FAVORITE season
9/10/2010 06:53:00 AMIt's only unofficial because it hasn't "officially" begun, yet. The first day of Fall isn't until later this month - Wednesday, September 22nd - but it feels like Fall. I'm longing to wear long sleeves, long pants and light jackets or "Hoodie" sweatshirts. I want to get some pumpkin decorations and gold, red and orange things to warm up my house. I want to light the yummy candle that I got from one of my student's mom the other day so that the smell of crisp apple can float through my house. I want to make chili and cornbread and watch football this Sunday. I want to buy more Pumpkin Soft Drop cookies from the grocery store and have them with a nice cup of coffee with Pumpkin Spice creamer in it.
I LOVE Fall for so many reasons. Don't get me wrong - all seasons have happy memories for me. All seasons hold special little places in my heart but Fall is my favorite.
I will always remember the big snow storm last year. We spent a week at home. There was so much snow that Danika would have gotten lost in it if she didn't stick to the shoveled path! Jerry even stayed home on a day he was suppose to work because there was no way anyone was getting anywhere that day. A lot of people would probably complain and say that it was horrible, but we enjoyed it. We snuggled and the kids wore their feet pajamas all day. The babies were still little enough that they were sleeping a lot and we cuddled them a lot. We watched movies and ate popcorn and watched the snow just keep falling and falling.
Spring is probably my least favorite season because it's moody. The weather is unpredictable and the kids start getting antsy about the end of the school year. While the green is nice to see (because green is my favorite color), it just seems like a tease.
Summer is awesome for several reasons - no school which means I'm not "working". We can go outside without having to bundle everyone up. We can sleep in late and stay up late and grill. Oh, I do love a good cheeseburger cooked on the grill. I'm usually ready for summer to end when it does, though.
Which brings me back to Fall.
I have to tell you how this post all started. I started thinking about my old blog. Did I ever tell you that I use to have a blog a few years ago? I stopped writing it because I got some spam comments that kinda freaked me out. I decided that I would take a step back and reevaluate why I was blogging. I missed it so here we are - new blog.
Anyway ~ I started thinking about the old blog and a meme I use to do every Thursday called Thursday Thirteen. I remembered writing a Thursday Thirteen about all the things I like about Fall. I had to go back and find it: Thoughts of the Mama - Thursday Thirteen #2
So there you have it.
Oh - here's something else that is unofficial...the unofficial picture of the kids' first day of school. It's unofficial because I actually didn't take a picture of Nate on his first day! *gasp* But I did remember to take on on the first day they went together. Oh, and be patient with me...I'm working on getting a new camera and a photo editing program that is easy to use and works well. I don't have anything installed on my new laptop, yet.