
All Because 2 People Fell In Love - Celebrating 50 Years

5/11/2018 10:00:00 AM

This past weekend, we celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of 2 AMAZING people. My in-laws, Marge and Jerry Sr.

I try to always find the positive in people despite the things they do to annoy me. With these 2, though, it isn't hard to focus on the things that make them amazing. If I could write a list of what the perfect in-laws would be like . . . there isn't much that would be different from the ones I have.

I'd be lying if I said that my father-in-law and I always see eye-to-eye on everything. I've learned that he doesn't believe in global warming (and to not talk to him about it) and that he is the definition of a stereotypical Catholic Conservative. I don't say that like it's a BAD thing - it's just the truth and once you accept that side of him and know that is where he will always be coming from, it is pretty easy to overlook the opinions that don't line up with yours (at least it is for me, anyway).

His strength, and what I am most grateful for, is how much he truly loves and cares about his family. I'm sure we all drive him crazy now and then (just ask him about covering his TV buttons with cardboard so the twins wouldn't turn the channel or turn it off just to hear him yell) but despite the fact that we aren't perfect, he still gives and ALWAYS tells the kids he is so happy they came to see him every time they walk in the door. I don't know if he realizes how much that makes me smile every time he says it.   

My in-laws with their 3 children (photo courtesy of Uncle Bob) 
My mother-in-law is the closest thing to a perfect person that I have ever met. I know some really amazing people, but she is one of THE MOST amazing. She never hesitates to help if we need her. She is always doing thoughtful things and shows up for EVERYTHING! She is a retired nurse and knows exactly how to make things better - but NEVER forces her thoughts or opinions on you. She almost always has a cup of coffee or something to eat when you pop in and NEVER forgets dessert when she makes dinner (which is usually once a week!). She is EXACTLY how I want to be when I become a mother-in-law. She gave each of my babies their first bath, babysat when I went back to work after having the twins, she always saves me a container of her green bean and kielbasa soup (which is my FAVORITE) and remembers every birthday, holiday and anniversary.

She is the first person that I would go to with a problem after my own parents (who are equally as wonderful!) and I know that she would do anything for any of us.

I don't know how I got so lucky . . . but I do thank God EVERY DAY for giving me these amazing people in my life and in my children's' lives. (Oh - and for the amazing son they raised . . . who just happens to be the love of my life). 

My in-laws with 8 of their 10 grandchildren (photo courtesy of Uncle Bob)

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