9/19/2010 06:49:00 PM

Yesterday was awesome - right up to the point that it wasn't.  (Yep...I'm pretty good at pointing out the obvious)

I was on a roll yesterday.  I had been cleaning and even motivated my DH and wonderful neighbor to weed out the flower beds in front of the house while I marched all of the kids around the block in Halloween costumes.  We had a great dinner (P and M Pizza) and I got the twins to bed around 7:30.  I had made my grocery list and was getting ready to head out to the grocery store.  I was going to take Danika with me because she LOVES shopping of any kind.  We ran upstairs to go potty before we left and on the way down the steps I . . . well, my feet went right out from under me and I landed flat on my tail bone.  I didn't catch myself at all.  I didn't slide or trip...I slammed my back right onto the steps.  Then I screamed for about 30 seconds...which must have felt like an eternity to my children who were both crying because I scared the crap out of them.

Long story short - the rest of my night involved a trip to urgent care, some x-rays, a Vicodin and laying on the couch watching Inglorious Bastards with DH.  Today, I haven't felt much better but I did sleep pretty good last night and am planning on heading upstairs in about 10 - 15 minutes to get another good night of sleep.

I'm hoping that I will feel good enough to be pretty normal at work on Tuesday.  I'm also hoping that I heal fast so that I can start my Happiness Project and get my house in order!  I've found 3 books laying around the house that I am reading/skimming for ideas on how to get things done around here.

Sink Reflections
The Queen of Clean Conquers Clutter
15 Minute Organizer

I'm also thinking of giving this a shot:

Once a Month Cooking at Once a Month Mom

Anybody already do it?  If you do let me know how you like it!  :)

Here's to hoping the week is better than the weekend!

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