Tomorrow is New Years Eve

12/30/2010 11:28:00 AM

I have made only 1's a big one, though.  We are going to get healthier financially.  We are going to make a BUDGET (a real one) and stick to it.  That is going to require some sacrifices and some creativity on our part.  I'm willing to do it, though...because I have an ultimate goal of getting into a bigger house and having more room.  I need my own room - not bedroom, I'm happy to share that with Jerry.  I just need my own space.  The kids need their own space and Jerry DEFINITELY needs his own space.  We need a bigger house.  We need to budget for a bigger house.  We are starting Saturday!  :)

The first thing that we thought about cutting back on was our cell phones.  We both have smart phones.  We are connected 24/7.  We can find information out quickly.  We are never lost and we can reach each other (and anyone else we know) 15 different ways from our phones.  However, our phone bill is outrageous.  Going back to regular phones that simply text and call people will save us at least $60 a month!  That's $720 a year!  That's not a ton of money but it's a start.  Funny thing is, I feel like I'm quitting smoking again.  I quit 2 years ago and was so anxious for the first few months...I feel like that.  I remember reading something about having to redefine yourself as a nonsmoker - which was one of the hardest parts!  I had to find other things to do when I would usually have a I'm going to have to find something else to do when I would usually jump on Facebook on my BlackBerry to see what everyone is doing!

The other thing that is in my control is our food budget.  I have been doing a little research and found out there are a few things I can do to help cut our food budget.  First of all is meal planning - which I try to do but don't always stick to.  I am changing that in 2011.  I'm sticking to my plan.  I ordered these two books with my Borders gift cards to help me out!

I'm also going to try a new approach to shopping.  We started shopping from Aldi.  I can't believe the savings.  I will tell you that there are some things (we are slowly making a list) that we don't like from Aldi.  For example, their american cheese.  But we can get that in huge quantities (which we will have no problem using) from Sam's Club.

I'm also going to stockpile a little and try planning for an entire MONTH so that I can buy things when they are on sale instead of when I need them.  It's going to take a few months and I'm not expecting to get it perfect right off the bat - I'm going to take baby steps.

In January we lose our smartphones, will create a budget, make a monthly menu and shop at Aldi for most of the things I need.  We'll see what we can add to February ...maybe I'll start looking into stockpiling and even adding coupons to the mix.  Whatever it is, we are going to work on freeing up some money so that we can all get some much needed extra space!

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