Out of that funk - for now

1/11/2010 07:01:00 AM

So, I didn't pick the book back up. Honestly, I didn't have time. I'm thinking of reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. I think I actually got it from my FIL, but the girls in my book club read it and say it's a must read. I also ordered a new book from Paperback Swap. If you have a lot of books hanging around and like to read you should check out Paperback Swap - if you don't already use it.

Anyway, I receive updates on The Happiness Project on my Google Reader. I came across an interview with Alexandra Levit.

I didn't really know who she was, but I found the interview interesting enough. In it she says that the one book that stood out on this subject with her is called, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living." by Dale Carnegie. I'm thinking that it sounds right up my alley right now.

Don't get me wrong - I'm happy. Really. I love my children. I love my husband. I love my family. I love the few friends I have who I still keep in touch with and the new ones that I have made in the past 2 or 3 years. Things are a lot different than I thought they would be but they are also going to change. I fully understand that I am in a point in my life where I have little control over things. With 4 children as small as mine are it is virtually impossible for me to go anywhere by myself. I could go to my parents or Jerry's parents....but that's about the extent of my travels. That will change - eventually. I keep thinking that, ideally the "older" two will be able to help me with the younger two when we go to...say, the mall! Eh - we'll see, but I do know that I'm not going to be stuck at home forever. I'm trying to enjoy this stage...the 5 of us trapped inside. It definitely has made this house seem like our home...a crazy, cluttered, cramped roof over our head. :)

I'm rambling again - I don't think the coffee has really kicked in, yet. I will say that I've thought of 2 things to look forward to. One is in February and one is in March...We are going to see Nick Live (it's Dora, The Wonder Pets, Ni Ho Kia Lan and The Backyardagains) with the kiddos in February. They should have blast. It will be so much fun to watch them! Jerry and I also have an honest to God date scheduled for March 17th! We are going to see Michael Buble! The tickets were Christmas presents from my mom and dad. I seriously can't wait!

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