
8/26/2011 07:45:00 AM

I'm not really sure if that is a word but if it is (or if it is indeed a real ailment) I am sure that I have it.  I can't seem to concentrate these days.  I have so many great ideas and things that I want to do, on top of the things that I HAVE to do, that I am getting nothing done.  I have a list.  I try to focus on one thing at a time . . . but I keep getting distracted.  I keep running into little people who need my attention and throw me off.  I keep saying, "I will do it as soon as I . . . " and then it never happens.  

I had a parent of one of my students (quite a few years ago) tell me that she thought I had ADHD.  Now - I don't know how you diagnose that in adults and I'm pretty sure that isn't my problem but it was kind of odd to me that someone who really doesn't know me that well would suggest I have trouble with concentration and focusing on tasks.  Was it the way that I jumped from subject to subject when we had our conference?  Was it the state of my always messy desk?  I'm not sure what prompted the comment . . . but I've thought about it every time I seem to get overwhelmed with the items on my "To Do" list.

You know what is really funny, I'm sitting here at my laptop - with at least 30 things on my To Do list - writing a blog post.  Reminds me of this . . .

I worry about the example I set for my kids, though.  I'm not a schedule person.  I want to be.  I'd love to be.  I would love to know that there is a time for everything and if I do everything in it's time it will get done and I will have my time to do things I want, too.  I just never get my butt moving enough to do it.  I never stick with it or find the motivation to stay focused and not distracted by all of the things that I want to do instead of the things I should be doing.  

Anyone know a trick?  Anyone know a sure fire way to cure someone with scatterbraineditis?  Anyone wanna come and tackle a few things on my To Do list?  How about some motivation?  Anyone just have a little bit to spare?  

I think that a big part of this is me holding on to the last few lazy summer days we have left . . . we are down to 3 - it all starts Monday...orientation week and Nate's first day on Wednesday.  Ready or not - the 2011/2012 school year is upon us.  :)

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