Okay . . . Something very odd happened the other day. ALL 4 of my kids hung out with me for a good hour or so for no real reason - except there was a reason . . . but it was an unspoken reason. They knew I needed it. I've never really been shy about talking about my depression. It's part of...
This past weekend, we celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of 2 AMAZING people. My in-laws, Marge and Jerry Sr. I try to always find the positive in people despite the things they do to annoy me. With these 2, though, it isn't hard to focus on the things that make them amazing. If I could write a list of what the perfect in-laws...
Yes - it's been 6 years since my last blog post here - I kind of can't believe that the blog is still around and I can add to it! Just look how I've changed!!! 2012 ...
Dadone, me, Nate and Dad @ Nate's Baptism Friday night my grandfather passed away. It was 9 o'clock . . . about an hour after I left the hospital. My Mom and Dad and Aunt Anita were with him when he went and they said it was very peaceful. I'm grateful that they were there and that he didn't struggle or suffer. I...