Dear famous person reading this . . .
11/04/2011 10:22:00 AMI really don't watch too much entertainment news. It depresses me. Like most people in my "situation", money is an issue right now.
By my situation I mean
- One full-time income
- 4 small children
- One part-time income that is done for the love of the job and definitely NOT the money
- Credit Card Bills
- Mortgage
- 2 Car Payments
- Utilities and Groceries
We get by but we could definitely use some help.
Since I don't watch entertainment news, I don't have to hear all about what the more monetarily fortunate people in the world are spending their extra money on these days. I feel better not knowing.
However, I do have to get in my car and go somewhere every once in a while. Like this morning when I dropped Nate off at the bus stop . . . I drove because the boys still aren't feeling great. I heard a little blurb about Kim Kardashian's engagement ring and how her soon to be ex-husband wants it back. I knew it was expensive. . . I'd probably want it back, too.
As a side note: I really, really hope that the whole Kardashian clan is more sensitive and human in person and when the cameras are off . . . because the little I have seen of them on TV frightens me. They are so . . . so . . . wrapped up in things that don't really matter? Why do they even have all this popularity and money and such? I guess I should look into it if I'm interested but I'm not that interested.
All I have to say is, if she wants to tick her soon-to-be-ex off, I would be MORE than willing to take that $2 MILLION dollar ring off of her hands...I have big plans for that money!!! (like a house with a second bathroom . . . you should have heard the fighting between the 5 and 4 year old this morning. Ugh)
It's funny - but sometimes when I'm writing a blog post (or after I've finished) I think about someone famous, like Oprah or Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, reading it and commenting to someone in the room, "I think I will come home from vacation a day early so that this nice family of 6 can pay off their credit cards, car payments, get a new house and send their 4 children to college. Just write them a check and will do it Publisher Clearing House style..."
Don't get me wrong. I know that the Pitt/Jolie clan gives a ton of money to charities and Oprah does wonderful things for others. (Which is probably why they come to mind!!!) With as much money as they have, there are also a lot of pressures. I know there have to be insane expenses that come along with their lifestyles. I know that there are probably plenty of people who take advantage of them and their financial situation. Plus, I also know that money like that isn't going to just fall into my lap. I need to earn it - they earn it.
I doubt I would trade lives with them.
Bank accounts?
I'd trade bank accounts with them but not lives.
I don't think I could do their jobs.
The only performing I'm any good at is reading picture books with a great deal of inflection in my voice and singing "The Wheels on the Bus" slightly off key but with the best hand motions.
I get paid in smile and hugs.
When I'm old, I'm sure looking back on those smiles and hugs will make me much happier than a $2 Million Dollar Engagement ring sitting in a jewelry box collecting dust.